APTE y ENISA se alían para propiciar 100 ideas de negocio y acelerar 32 startups
18 February, 2022Ikerlanek eta Mutilverse Computing-ek aliantza aitzindaria osatu dute konputazio kuantikoa industria-eremura eramateko
23 February, 2022Programa:
11:00h. Presentation of the Webinar on international use cases of Disruptive Technologies – Soledad Díaz, General Director of APTE (Technical Secretariat of the Spanish Technological Platform for Disruptive Technologies).
11:05h. Success case in Artificial Intelligence – Soraya Gadit. CEO & Founder INOCROWD.
11:17h. 5G and Augmented reality application – Luis Bravo. CMO KIT-AR
11:29h. Application of AI in cosmetics – Miguel Pombo. Founder IGNAE
11:41h. Satellite collision avoidance with AI and ML – Carlos Cerqueira, BDM and Marta Guimaraes, AI team leader at Neuraspace
11:53h. Q & A
12:00h. Closure