Garaia Innova

15 March, 2021

Garaia Open Innovation 2021

Garaia Open Innovationen 2. Edizioa Arrasateko Garaia Parke Teknologikoaren ekimena da, ISEA S.COOP.en lankidetzarekin antolatua. Garaia Open Innovation Berrikuntza Irekiko esperientzia aitzindaria bat da, helburutzat duena […]
12 May, 2020

IASP and its WEBINARs to grow a business.

IASP invites you to the following webinars that SpaceUp has orginized during this month of May. These can help SMEs, startups and entrepreneurs in the space […]
27 September, 2019

Garaia Innova. XVII

29 July, 2019

Garaia Innova. XVI

3 July, 2019

SPRI. Invest in Basque Country

“Invest in Basque Country” is a working group from Grupo SPRI involved with securing and maintaining foreign direct investment (FDI). The objective is for foreign companies […]
27 June, 2019

Garaia Innova. XV